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Crouzet Software » Free PLC Software



Crouzet Software


Free CD 12, CB 12, CD 20, CB  20, XD 10 and XD 26 software.

Crouzet Logic Software:
Use With: CD, CB and XD Programmable Relays.
Restrictions: No Restrictions, Full Version.
Instructions: Select “English” and “Software” under Type. Check “CLSM3”. On the right side of the screen select download. They require filling out a form, then present a download link.

Check out our sister site PLCCompare to compare PLCs, PACs and Programmable Relays

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  1. mms


  2. johanenerna

    courzet software

  3. santiago olvera raymundo

    Hola muy buenas noche como puedo octener el diagrama y/o programacion de este plc free CD12, CB12, CD20, CB20, XD10 ANDXD26 SOFTWARE Como puedo tenerlo los contenidos por su atencion Mil Gracias ATENTAMENTE: Santiago A. Olvera…

  4. mohamad

    Trying to download Crouzet software

  5. Fernando

    Excelente aporte

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