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Xinje Software » Free PLC Software



Xinje Software


Free XC1, XC3, XC5, XMP2 and XMP3 Software

Use With: XC1, XC3, XC5, XMP2 and XMP3 PLCs
Restrictions:  Should be fully functional, let me know if not.
Check out our sister site PLCCompare to compare PLCs, PACs and Programmable Relays

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  1. derra

    hello ;

  2. derra

    hello ;

    I need softwar for xing PLC serial XC3

    salutation .

  3. khalid

    I need xinje FC series Plc programming software can some one help me please

  4. myominchaw

    I need Xinje PLC xc1-32-cpu-70129 software can some one help me please

  5. majid

    dear sir/ madam
    i need software for plc Xinje XC2-24T-E

  6. majid

    please send the xinje plc software

  7. saied youssef

    I need xinje FC series Plc programming software can some one help me please

  8. jose aldubiar zea

    agradezco su colaboración necesito el tutorial de programacion del xinje xc3-48-e y el software si me ueden colaborar muchas gracias

  9. Gofran

    hello, I need software for plc xc3-24r-e

    for screen xinje tp765-t

    thaank you

  10. nertil

    hello i need a softweare xinxje monitor model op330 and plc XC1-32R-E

  11. ali

    hello.i need a softwear xinje plc XC3-60R-E

  12. Md.Nazmul Hassan

    Dear sir,I need XINJE PLC XC5-24T-E and XC3-14R-E Softwaer Help to me.
    Thank you.

  13. dachatron audlom

    thank you

  14. Audir

    Bom dia , eu preciso do siftware de programação plc Xinje , alguem pode mim ajudar.
    Antc. Audir

  15. Goh

    I need Xinje PLC xc1-24r-e cpu software and cable connection diagram,
    who can help, thanks

  16. Mar Valisno

    Please tell me, where can I download free Plc software for xinjie model : xmp2-32r-e

  17. MyoLwin

    Dear. Sar
    I need xinje plc Model.XP2-18RT software help to me.
    Thank you,

  18. Mr Myint Htay

    Please I need xc1-24R-E PLC software,Tanks.

  19. Mr Myint Htay

    Dear. Sar ,Please I need H1u-0806MT plc software,Thanks.

  20. Heshan


    I need the USB driver software for the touchwin TH465-UT, foe windows 8

    Thankyou very much.

  21. kimsen

    hello ;

    I need softwar for xing PLC serial XC3


  22. dimaspec

    Xinje Software can be downloaded from here http://primeta.com.ua/index.php/software-plc-xinje

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